A Work in Progress

Is it not the desire of every person who knows God to be more like Him? To live in that constant grace… to do away with the things of this world and our fleshly nature and just seek Him?

ImageIt can be a frustrating time as a Christian when God imparts a vision and we get into the ‘lag’ time before that vision comes to fruition.

But God knows that by imparting vision, its the journey that you have to go through to get to that end goal that creates character within you.

‘…will ignite the kingdom life within you, a fire within you, the Holy Spirit within you, changing you from the inside out… He’ll place everything true in its proper place before God; everything false he’ll put out with the trash to be burned.’ Matt 3:11-12 (MSG)

You see my friends, He will put everything in its proper place, he will throw out all of the bad stuff – whether thats a selfish trait that we have or a crippling addiction. In time He will see to it. But the lag time or the journey to get to that end goal is what makes us, its what shapes us into that man or woman that God had planned for us from the very beginning.

He has given us such an amazing tool – an amazing Spirit that dwells within every believer which means that we don’t have to do it alone, and if we have a growing relationship with God – if we love Him and spend time with him, then He is going to change those things whether we like it or not. As you fall more deeply in love with God – your desire to take part in that addiction or selfish desire will diminish.

‘The moment that Jesus came up out of his baptismal waters, the skies opened up and he saw God’s Spirit – it looked like a dove – descending and landing on him. And along with the Spirit, a voice: ‘This is my Son, chosen and marked by my love, delight of my life.’ Matt 3:16-17Image

When Jesus was crucified, the life that he sacrificed on the cross ensured that every believer would inherit the Kingdom of God – they would receive the Holy Spirit which is the SAME POWER that saw Jesus resurrected from the dead. It’s the same power that saw miraculous healing of the blind, the deaf, the DEAD!

It doesn’t matter where you are at on your journey with God, you just need to know that as your journey with Him, as you spend time with Him and get to know Him more and more – He’s just going to pour out more and more of His love and grace upon you. You are Blessed and Highly Favoured to Him. He loves YOU.