You Can Change Your Attitude!

You can’t change some things. You can’t change some decisions that you have made in the past, just like you cannot control what has happened beyond your control. You CAN control what you do from this moment forward, you can change your attitude towards your circumstances.images

When I was growing up, I made some stupid choices. I still do some stupid things – make stupid statements and really put my foot in it some times.

The thing is, we can regret the things that we have done and said, or we can learn from them. Everything about your past has created your character – the person that you are right now. You can’t change your past there’s no reason why it should dictate your future!

Our attitude is so important. What really gets you going? What are you passionate about? What are you focusing on?

Are you looking backwards? How about looking forwards to the place that you CAN get to, rather than concentrating on your mistakes, on your regrets? Nothing happens without a purpose. It makes us who we are.

Lately I’ve had to focus on the way that I react to circumstances, especially those circumstances or situations that make me feel really uncomfortable such as confrontation. Sometimes you need to know when to back off, or stand your ground.

I’ve also had to learn that sometimes its better to not get wound up about the little things, they are so minor but they play on your mind! That’s just the devil trying to steal your destiny, don’t even contemplate it for one second! Why bother getting jealous or uptight about something that isn’t significant? Just chill 🙂

Spend some time praying in tongues. In the presence of the Father there is freedom, grace, peace and liberty.  He is the King that broke my chains, he set me free so that I can live a life of abundance. Times are getting short and to be honest, it’s driving me to be the man who God called me to be, rather than the man that the world shaped me to be. Fear has no place, shame has no place, it was all done for you on a cross over 2000 years ago so just live it out. Live the life that God has called you to live, a life without worry or fear!



Who Would You Die For?

We can often struggle to cry out to God when we are hurting so much, because unless we have had the revelation that God wants to take away our pain and that he loves you so much, why would you bother? We can go through situations such as:

Our life situations/reflection stories: rumors of illegitimacy, taunts of insanity from our family and friends, rejection, betrayal by friends, people turning against you, being mocked and slandered, facing temptation and letting our past put chains around us so that we cannot move forward.Image

We can fail to realize that we can have a direct connection to God – who knows exactly what you are going through and wants to take away all of your suffering! We can fail to realize that Jesus came to earth as God incarnate to suffer through some of the same things that we suffer through, and he died on a cross to take all of our baggage on himself!

Can you imagine that? Can you imagine dying for someone you love? Think about the person that you love the most in the world, you would die for them right? Well think about an absolute stranger… would you die for them? Most of us would like to say that we would but the reality is that we would struggle to put our lives on the line unless we loved and valued a person.  I can personally relate – Sure I would die to save my family or my best friends, but if you were to straight up ask me if I would die in the place of someone I had never met before – the answer would unfortunately be a NO.

How do you know God personally? The answer is shockingly simple.  You know him the same way that you get to know anybody.  You introduce yourself, you might shake hands, strike up a conversation, inquire about their life and what they do, and with best friends you would even delve deeper into your most intimate secrets.  Because of Jesus we never need to doubt God’s desire for intimacy for us.  Does God really want a close relationship with us? … Jesus gave up HEAVEN for it.  He came to reestablish the original link between God and human beings, between the seen and unseen worlds.

ImageWhen Jesus came down from Heaven, in the process he made us more comprehensible to God, and now not only do we understand God better because of Jesus, but God understands us better.  God senses our human condition in a different way, because Jesus came to earth as a human, he was made perfect through the suffering.  Because God is a spirit being, he never felt physical pain, but through Jesus he learned about pain.  He accepted that by coming to earth he would suffer physical suffering – which Jesus learnt in the most painful way. He was quite literally dying to be with us.

The Flawed Nature of Humanity

UnknownThe nature of humanity is flawed – we were born into a broken world that still harbors generational sin from the days of Adam and Eve.

We are selfish and think of ourselves before others

We are unforgiving when someone hurts you

Always wanting more – what we have I’d never enough, we always want a better life, a better car, a new house, fancy new gadgets

Our nature to rebel – have sex with lots of people, lie, drink too much, argue with our parents etc

Fighting wars over different beliefs


How we love – our greatest attribute

Love like Jesus – learning to love like him, Having Him at the center of all that we do

When you have Jesus, our nature is changed and the fruits of that can be seen – the proof is in the pudding so to speak.

Selfless instead of selfish – putting others needs above your own

Forgiving instead of unforgiving – even when you really get hurt

Content with what you have rather than always wanting more. However, God will always push us to further ourselves and our destiny/calling in Him

Backing away from rebelling – you don’t want to do that kind of stuff anymore

Everything requires a sacrifice – do this instead of that. Everything has a cost.

What will it cost you to live more like Jesus?

Jesus is forgiving, in fact he died on a cross to wipe out the power of sin, the power of death, so that we can live in freedom and so when our life on this earth comes to an end one day, it will merely be the start of an eternity in God’s very presence

All we have to do is give him some space in our lives and all that we were before can be no longer, the slate can be wiped clean. Our life can be changed forever